
National Book Tokens is committed to ensuring that our website is accessible to all users. Where possible this website conforms to W3C and WAI recommendations and standards and has been tested with various technologies. We are constantly working to ensure that our websites are always inclusive.

If you encounter a problem accessing our site, or if you would like to provide feedback please contact us.



The site uses a cascading style sheets for visual layout. This site uses a mobile responsive layout which changes how elements are laid out and displayed based on the size of the browser screen, this allows the site to be viewed easily on mobile devices. Tables may be used for tabular data but not for layout purposes. Frames are not used for core functionality but may be used by external functions such as social media sharing.


Changing text size

Most modern browsers allow you to "zoom" in to web pages, this will increase the size of the text as well as the images. In most browsers you can zoom in to the page by pressing the "Ctrl" and "+" key at the same time, to zoom out press "Ctrl" and "-", and to reset to the default zoom level press "Ctrl" and "0". In addition, you can adjust the font size of most of the text in this site.



Some parts of the website utilises JavaScript for certain functions, therefore this site is best used with JavaScript turned on.



All text hyperlinks are written out so that they make sense when read out of context. In other words, the site will avoid using phrases such as "click here" as hyperlinks. Instead, all text that is hyperlinked will be as meaningful as possible.



Some of our longer documents are stored in "PDF" format, which requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can download the reader for free from



Some images on this site are accompanied by a brief alt-text tag that identifies the image or its function. Where images are used purely for decorative purposes they are supplied with empty alt-text tags.


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